
Poetry Tuesdays with Nicole Johnson

  You are invited to connect and enjoy original poetry and music by local artists and explore different facets of mental health. We will also discuss resources, engage in a communal meditation, and find relaxation. This program is for people of all ages. Join us and our presenter, Nicole Javanna Johnson from M.O.V.E (Motivation Opportunity

Poetry Tuesdays with Nicole Johnson

  You are invited to connect and enjoy original poetry and music by local artists and explore different facets of mental health. We will also discuss resources, engage in a communal meditation, and find relaxation. This program is for people of all ages. Join us and our presenter, Nicole Javanna Johnson from M.O.V.E (Motivation Opportunity

Ekphrastic Poetry Workshop for Adults

Join Ridgefield Poet Laureate and Aldrich Museum educator Barb Jennes for some poetry-writing fun! We’ll meet via Zoom to look closely at some favorite Aldrich artworks, past and present, then write in response to the connections and insights we’ve made. It’s free for Aldrich members; non-members pay just $5, which benefits the museum. Join us!

Poetry Slam w/ The Sisters of Life

Alright…it might be more poetry “sharing” and less “slamming” but either way, we will have a good time! For all the poets or poetry appreciators, this is your time to shine. Bring an original piece you wrote or just a piece you greatly enjoy to recite and share! The Denver Sisters of Life will share

LitMag Poetry LiveStream Event

Trevor Day School’s English Radical Texts: Poetry, Politics, & Performance, in association with Analogue Humanities Unbound, presents an extension of The Pandemic Poets Series / Modern Poets for Modern People / Straight from our class to YOU! LitMag Poetry LIVE! Tuesday, May 26th at 10:20a-11:30a The annual Trevor Upper School LitMag Assembly is iconic in

Toronto Poetry Slam (Online) featuring Ifrah Hussein!

Toronto Poetry Slam is back with another exciting Online poetry slam a.k.a. Quarantine Slam featuring 2017 Canadian Individual Poetry Slam Champion Ifrah Hussein! Registration is via Eventbrite. 12 Slam Slots! 2 rounds (3 minute poems) $80 CND to the WINNER! No open mic $7 Suggested using Eventbrite, e-transfer to info@torontopoetryslam.com or www.paypal.me/topoetryslam TO SLAM –