EDITION 4 SEDUCTION E4 - PART 1 Gun violence seeps into the minds of young and impressionable minds, leaving a disturbing and perverse impact. WATCH NOW MR. RIGHT E4 - PART 2 Forever a lover of love, hope shines eternal for the woman reflecting on and searching for Mr. Right. WATCH NOW LOVE LOST E4 - PART 9 A couple confronts the bittersweet choice between clinging to the fading embers of love or bravely surrendering to the unknown. WATCH NOW ACCENT TAX E4 - PART 3 Assimilating to survive, but losing the power of heritage and identity in the process can leave wounds that stretch generations. WATCH NOW THE INBETWEEN E4 - PART 8 A young woman grapples with the complexities of identity, torn between embracing her cultural roots and forging her own path in a society that challenges her at every turn. WATCH NOW SWIM GOOD E4 - PART 4 Surviving the daily battles of mental health, one step at a time is daunting yet often the only way forward. WATCH NOW DOLL HOUSE E4 - PART 5 A father stands firm when encouraging both his daughter and many other Black girls to embrace their Blackness and be proud. WATCH NOW MACHETE SMILE E4 - PART 6 In loving memory, an artist reflects on the fight for a friend’s freedom from her destructive and abusive relationship. WATCH NOW HAPPY SEX E4 - PART 7 Tomorrow is never promised so the least one can do is have some happy and fulfilling sex. WATCH NOW EDITION 3 MY FATHER IS A BROKEN CHILD E3 - PART 1 We are not responsible for the wrongs of a father. Accepting the responsibility in deciding forgiveness over disdain and the freedom that may bring, is entirely up to us. WATCH NOW PENANCE E3 - PART 2 Our being is a temple but the price of faith can be a double edged sword. WATCH NOW MY MOSAIC E3 - PART 3 Many of us have so much love to give but when we find ourselves picking up pieces of a relationship in the hopes of creating an “us,” disappointment becomes an unfortunate constant. WATCH NOW PICTURE DAY E3 - PART 4 A picture is worth a thousand words and a picture of black boys gone too soon… is worth a lifetime of reflection on a disheartening reality. WATCH NOW MINT TEA E3 - PART 5 When a father takes the time to nurture those extra moments with his daughter, he just might spark a life long gratitude within her for each and every memory. WATCH NOW LOST TREASURE E3 - PART 6 Some partners dance around love with no intention to give it. Mr.Right however, does what they failed to do… he sees your value. WATCH NOW YOU E3 - PART 7 Tell tale signs about a lover can be read through intuition alone. Despite their allure, the saying does go “when someone shows you who they are, believe them.” WATCH NOW EDITION 2 HOLY GRACE E2 - PART 1 Coming out can be challenging to say the least, yet moments of release throughout that journey can be a blessings like no other. WATCH NOW SEXLESS E2 - PART 2 Lust, love then breakup is a hard enough process. And replaying the memories of simpler times, only adds salt to a broken heart. WATCH NOW HOW TO SPELL DISTRACTIBILITY E2 - PART 3 ADHD. The symptoms may affect attention and the joys will instill perspectives anew. WATCH NOW STILL I RISE THROUGH HARDSHIPS E2 - PART 4 When the world tests your limits, discovering a determined inner strength will prove that you are and always have been your greatest asset. WATCH NOW RACE IS A FIGMENT E2 - PART 5 Individuals are more than the byproducts of their environments. It is the knowledge of self and your surroundings that will loosen the heaviest of shackles. WATCH NOW THE POEM ABOUT MALAYSIA E2 - PART 6 When you are an immigrant in one country and a foreigner to a homeland, the reminder that belonging is a privilege becomes an undeniable truth WATCH NOW THE GRAM E2 - PART 7 In a world that prioritizes indulgence, making room for self care is not wishful thinking. Self care is absolutely the necessity. WATCH NOW A MAN E2 - PART 8 Knowing that having a man does not define worth, is one thing. Claiming love because you are deserving, is another. WATCH NOW EDITION 1 RELEASE LOL (Kim) E1 - PART 1 The past can be bitter and letting go can be sweet. WATCH NOW VISION E1 - PART 2 A mission in life is a blessing, but knowing the roots that ground it is a vision. WATCH NOW MIND OF MINE E1 - PART 3 Trauma can break your peace of mind and will can salvage the pieces. WATCH NOW THE BEST WAY E1 - PART 4 Making the best out of loss is a challenge but building joy with what is gained is freeing. WATCH NOW H20 LOVE E1 - PART 5 A daily dose of ladylove is good for you. WATCH NOW DREAMING NAJMAAH E1 - PART 6 Finding salvation in love and finding light amidst darkness. WATCH NOW WALLFLOWER E1 - PART 7 Dismissing a failed love is easy. Admitting it mattered is significant. WATCH NOW THIS SECOND E1 - PART 8 Each second to come are prime chances to live. WATCH NOW ONE TWO E1 - PART 9 You have one life to live and giving up is too costly. WATCH NOW