Teen JAM: Rap, Poetry, Spoken Word, & MORE!
About this Event
Get ready to JAM with a circle of friends – explore rhythm, rhyme, and self expression!
During this fun-filled week we will explore personalities, current events, feelings, and artistic expression. If you play an instrument, bring it! This is an open, creative jam session!
The Lighthouse Team will send out a pack with materials and items to participate.
Let us know what accommodations your Teenager needs – everyone is welcome! Parents will need to facilitate activities, depending on each teen’s level of independence. Siblings can also facilitate and have fun with us!
This is a 5-day camp.
July 20-24, 2020: 10:00 – 12:00
Questions? Please contact SA Lighthouse Children’s Program childrensprogram@salighthouse.org
OR your Coach, Christi Fillhart: cfillhart@salbrehab.org