Spoken Wordicine; Spark The Potency of Your Poetry
Oct 11 at 2 PM EDT – Oct 25 at 1 PM EDT
Public · Hosted by Lisa Shalom
Online Event
Who do we get to be when we face in and accept our stories? When we allow them to be excavated, artfully told with intention, seen and given wings to fly? When we empower ourselves to stand up and own whatever we’ve been rejecting, hiding or running from? When we allow our stories to be a point of deeper connection?
Our stories want to be told. We are designed to interface in a secure and empathetic environment where we can see and be seen in our truth- telling.
“Spoken Wordicine” is a super fun and profound online process whereby we turn inward toward our lived experience and massage our stories into poetry using our new toolkit. During the last session, we “build a campfire” to gather around and share our pieces. By eventually sharing our poetry aloud in a communal setting, we set our stories free.
Nothing is pre-recorded. The whole process takes place live in a group setting.
We use lively games, paired activities, videos of powerful poetry pieces, inspiration from masters of the craft of rhyming, writing tools and techniques and fun demos to whet the appetite. We tune into the breath, cultivate movement and mindfulness and build a safe container for sharing. We create a comprehensive and holistic vehicle for authentic expression through poetry. During the last session, we “build a campfire” to gather around and share our stories, the way humans have done since the dawn. Each student presents an original and personal spoken word piece, having received the necessary guidance to write it. Often, there is not a dry eye or an un-laughed belly in the house by the end of the (now virtual) campfire.
We use lively games, paired activities, videos of powerful poetry pieces, inspiration from masters of the craft of rhyming, writing tools and techniques and fun demos to whet the appetite. We tune into the breath, cultivate movement and mindfulness and build a safe container for sharing. We create a comprehensive and holistic vehicle for authentic expression through poetry. During the last session, we “build a campfire” to gather around and share our stories, the way humans have done since the dawn. Each student presents an original and personal spoken word piece, having received the necessary guidance to write it. Often, there is not a dry eye or an un-laughed belly in the house by the end of the (now virtual) campfire.
I have been presenting, adapting and revising this program for the past six years. The time is ripe to take it online. Join us during tumultuous times to ground into center.
For your convenience, there are two options for each zoom call. The second is a repeat session so that if you miss a call, there is another available to you.
If you so wish, you may attend both alternatives for each of the session.
If you so wish, you may attend both alternatives for each of the session.
The performance will occur once.
SESSION 1 (take your pick)
Sunday, October 11
11am- 1pm PST/ 2-4 pm EST
Tuesday, October 13
5-7 pm PST/ 8-10 pm EST
Sunday, October 11
11am- 1pm PST/ 2-4 pm EST
Tuesday, October 13
5-7 pm PST/ 8-10 pm EST
SESSION 2 (take your pick)
Sunday, October 18
11am- 1pm PST/ 2-4 pm EST
Tuesday, October 20
5-7 pm PST/ 8-10 pm EST
Sunday, October 18
11am- 1pm PST/ 2-4 pm EST
Tuesday, October 20
5-7 pm PST/ 8-10 pm EST
SESSION 3 (take your pick)
Sunday, October 25
11am- 1pm PST/ 2-4 pm EST
Tuesday, October 27
5-7 pm PST/ 8-10 pm EST
Sunday, October 25
11am- 1pm PST/ 2-4 pm EST
Tuesday, October 27
5-7 pm PST/ 8-10 pm EST
Week of November 1
A scheduled one-on-one call for personal writing progress
Week of November 1
A scheduled one-on-one call for personal writing progress
SESSSION 5 Performance
Week of November 8
Performance Share Around the Virtual Campfire!
Time and date to be determined
Week of November 8
Performance Share Around the Virtual Campfire!
Time and date to be determined
SESSION 6 (take your pick)
Sunday, November 15
11am- 1pm PST/ 2-4 pm EST
Tuesday, November 17
5-7 pm PST/ 8-10 pm EST
Sunday, November 15
11am- 1pm PST/ 2-4 pm EST
Tuesday, November 17
5-7 pm PST/ 8-10 pm EST
*8 person minimum
Overall, please be available for:
Four 2-hour sessions with alternate dates
A one-on-one call focussed on your personal writing
An online collective performance
Four 2-hour sessions with alternate dates
A one-on-one call focussed on your personal writing
An online collective performance
Payment before Oct 5- 197$
Payment after Oct 5- 247$
Payment after Oct 5- 247$
*******Steps to register!*******
1) Click attending on this event
2) Send an email with the header “Spoken Wordicine Registration” to shalom.home@yahoo.ca
You will receive the zoom link and more info on what to expect in return
3) Send payment to www.paypal.com/paypalme/lisashalom
E-transfer from a bank in Canada to shalom.home@yahoo.ca
*******Steps to register!*******
1) Click attending on this event
2) Send an email with the header “Spoken Wordicine Registration” to shalom.home@yahoo.ca
You will receive the zoom link and more info on what to expect in return
3) Send payment to www.paypal.com/paypalme/lisashalom
E-transfer from a bank in Canada to shalom.home@yahoo.ca
“A poem begins with a lump in the throat.”
The overall Spoken Wordicine process is a tool for;
-insightful introspection and intimate self-awareness
-developing writing skills and toolkit
-promoting authentic expression and active listening
-building bridges
-defining our own collective and individual narratives
-reclaiming the seat of our true power
-creating positive social change
-building trust, confidence and “vulnerabravery”
-cultivating expression and radical truth-telling
-seeing and being seen inside a safe container
-giving our heavier stories wings to fly
-insightful introspection and intimate self-awareness
-developing writing skills and toolkit
-promoting authentic expression and active listening
-building bridges
-defining our own collective and individual narratives
-reclaiming the seat of our true power
-creating positive social change
-building trust, confidence and “vulnerabravery”
-cultivating expression and radical truth-telling
-seeing and being seen inside a safe container
-giving our heavier stories wings to fly
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