Queer Poetry Salon
Saturday, September 19, 2020 at 6 PM – 8:30 PM MST
Public · Hosted by Equality Arizona and Virginia G. Piper Center for Creative Writing
Online Event
Queer Poetry Salon & Equality Arizona are partnering with ASU & the Piper Center for quarterly readings with a diverse, world-class cast of queer poets. We aim to strengthen & grow queer culture in Arizona by bringing the world’s great LGBTQIA2s+ poets to our communities. In September, we are honored & delighted to have CA Conrad, Raquel Salas Rivera & Cyree Johnson.
By popular demand, we are re-opening our open-mic session before these readings. Sign up at this link to read two poems. Spots are limited to the first six people to sign up.
CAConrad is the author of 9 books of poetry and essays. While Standing in Line for Death (Wave Books), won a 2018 Lambda Book Award. They also received a 2019 Creative Capital grant as well as a Pew Fellowship in the Arts Award, the Believer Magazine Book Award, and the Gil Ott Book Award. They regularly teach at Columbia University in New York City, and Sandberg Art Institute in Amsterdam. Please view their books, essays, recordings, and the documentary The Book of Conrad (Delinquent Films) online at http://bit.ly/88CAConrad
Raquel Salas Rivera (Mayagüez, 1985) is a Puerto Rican poet, translator, and editor. His honors include being named the 2018-19 Poet Laureate of Philadelphia and receiving the New Voices Award from Puerto Rico’s Festival de la Palabra. He is the author of five full-length poetry books. His third book, lo terciario/ the tertiary won the Lambda Literary Award for Transgender Poetry and was longlisted for the 2018 National Book Award. His fourth book, while they sleep (under the bed is another country), was longlisted for the 2020 Pen America Open Book Award and was a finalist for CLMP’s 2020 Firecracker Award. His fifth book, x/ex/exis won the inaugural Ambroggio Prize. antes que isla es volcán/ before island is volcano, his sixth book, is an imaginative leap into Puerto Rico’s decolonial future and is forthcoming from Beacon Press in 2022. He holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory at the University of Pennsylvania and now writes and teaches in Puerto Rico.
Cyrée Jarelle Johnson is a poet and librarian from Piscataway, NJ. SLINGSHOT, his first book of poetry, was the winner of the 2020 Lambda Literary Award in Gay Poetry, and is a finalist for a 2020 CLMP Firecracker Award. SLINGSHOT is available now at https://nightboat.org/book/slingshot/. Find Cyrée online at cyreejarellejohnson.com or @cyreejarelle
Website: cyreejarellejohnson.com
Social Media: @cyreejarellejohnson
Social Media: @cyreejarellejohnson