Poetry Lit – Online Reading Series
About this event
Poetry from all over the world has never been closer to your lazy chair! Poetry Lit! is a monthly online reading series for international poets… and their fans. Each month Poetry Lit! hosts a Zoom event where folks share in poetry.
Featured poets
Each month we invited 2 guest poets to read from their work. Here’s the planned schedule of featured readers for the coming months:
November 5th: Harry Josephine Giles & Rachel McCrum
December 3rd: Vicki Feaver & Patricia Ace
January 7th: Claudia Toutoungi & David Bleiman
After the featured poets there’s an open mic, where you can hear some exciting new voices!
If you want to attend and listen to some great poetry…. welcome! Please register, so we know how many people are coming. We will send you a link to join nearer to the event.
Join the open mic?
If you want to participate in the open mic, send an email to poetrylitonline@gmail.com. Be aware that the open mics fill up months in advance, so we’re planning months ahead. No applications on the night itself.