Poetry and Spoken Word Virtual Open Mic
Enjoy listening to poetry and spoken word—or share some writing of your own—with Poetry in the Boro on Sunday, July 12.
We’ll be starting at 6:45 so you can connect early and “chat” with friends. Bring your own favorite snack or beverage!
At 7:00, we’ll begin the open mic. As usual, please plan on 1 longer or 2 short poems, no more than 4 minutes. For this format, we ask that you keep your content “PG-13.” All styles of poetry are welcome. If you have questions, let us know.
For a turn at the open mic, PREREGISTER AT
To connect with us at the event, go to
Meeting ID: 952 0771 7379
Password: poetry
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Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 952 0771 7379
Please note that you can participate only with audio, if you need to.
IMPORTANT: If you are arriving past 7:00, please message our Facebook page to let us know you’re wanting in. No admittance after 7:30.
We plan to conclude the event about 8:00, but we’ll leave the room open a bit longer for people to optionally chat after the event.
WORD CHALLENGE: The last time we met, our participants chose the following words – use one, a few, or all of them in a poem!
hike | tree-line | obviously | fire | afterglow | seed | dusty | firefly | pulsed | strive | curse | vomit | unearth | chose | emerge